Take the Steps Towards Fixing Your Gummy Smile

Fixing Your Gummy Smile

Many people today turn to their local cosmetic dentist when they have issues with their teeth and want to improve their smiles. While most cosmetic dentists can help with things likes crowns, dental implants, and teeth whitening, when you notice you are having a problem with your gums you may have trouble finding someone to help you. Taking care of your gums is not something all cosmetic dentists are experienced with, and they may not know the best and latest practices used to give you the best results. When you want to take the steps towards fixing your gummy smile, you want to make sure you call on an office like ours at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh for help.

Past Procedures have Problems

A gummy smile is not something brand new, and the issue has existed for many years. It typically refers to a condition where an excess amount of gum tissue is present and visible when you smile, obscuring your teeth. The problem arises in the typical treatments that were used in the past to help patients with this condition. Very often the only solution cosmetic dentists would offer patients is to cut away the excess gum tissue through a surgical procedure. This procedure was invasive and led to a lengthy and often painful recovery time for the patient, making it less-than-ideal for most people.

The Better Way to Go

Here at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh, we can offer you a much better way towards fixing your gummy smile. Dr. Farnoosh is one of the true innovators when it comes to gum treatment in cosmetic dentistry, and he has helped to pioneer a lip lowering procedure that is much less invasive, has a quicker recovery time, is virtually pain-free and leaves you with the perfect smile. Dr. Farnoosh is one of the few cosmetic dentists in the country to provide this service and can get you the best results.

Learn How it Can Happen

To take the best steps towards fixing your gummy smile you want to contact us at the office of Dr. Alex Farnoosh. If you wish to get the smile you’ve been wanting your whole life then give us a call at 310-928-1796 to arrange for a free consultation with Dr. Farnoosh so you can find out the best approach to helping you fix your smile.



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