When you face issues that leave you with excess gum tissue in your mouth, you may find yourself trying to hide your smile because you feel embarrassed about the way that you look. Even if most people never notice the issue at all, you are very aware of it and may even become self-conscious about it, withdrawing more from social situations. Instead of hiding the problem and living your life this way, the time has come for you to do something about it. You can get expert help to correct gummy smile in Los Angeles when you come to our office to see Dr. Alex Farnoosh for help.
There are Treatment Options
Depending on the severity of your case, there are a variety of treatment options that you can explore that can be helpful to you. When you come to our office, you will undergo an initial exam and consultation to meet with Dr. Farnoosh and discuss your particular case. Dr. Farnoosh is considered one of the top cosmetic dentists not just in the Los Angeles area, but in the world today. He has been performing procedures for over twenty-five years and is considered to be one of the true innovators in the field. He has helped to develop new procedures that are used in the treatment of gum issues so that patients can achieve the look they want in their smiles.
A Procedure That Provides the Best Results
Our practice makes use of a procedure to correct gummy smile in Los Angeles that will give you the best results possible. Dr. Farnoosh is one of the few cosmetic dentists in the world today that are expert in a lip lowering procedure that is used to great effectiveness. This procedure lowers and re-positions your lower lip so that you have a more natural looking smile. This procedure, combined with some other minor cosmetic procedures, gives you a fantastic smile you want without painful recovery times or the high risks of other surgical procedures.
Find Out More
If you would like to find out more about how we can correct gummy smile in Los Angeles for you, please take the time to call our office at 310-928-1796 and arrange for an appointment for a consultation. You can meet with Dr. Farnoosh and discuss what your wants are regarding your smile and he can provide you with the best options so you can have a smile you are proud to show off.