Are you dealing with problems with the way you gums look? While the average person may not notice anything at all with your mouth, you might be acutely aware of a problem that becomes even more visible every time that you smile. You seem to show much more gum tissue in your mouth than teeth, and the look takes away from the smile that you show. This condition, often referred to as gummy smile, is something that many other people deal with as well. There are some treatment options available to you, but if you want a treatment that provides you with the best results, then you want to understand the facts about gummy smile surgery in Los Angeles to help you make your decision.
Recent Surgical Practices
Many of the surgical options used until recent times involved very detailed surgeries that resulted in painful and lengthy recovery times for the patient. These options include the use of orthognathic surgery, which involves surgery performed on your jaw to remove bone. This operation is considered to be a major surgical procedure, and there are always risks involved when you undergo a procedure of this nature. There are other operations that can be performed that make use of lasers to cut away excess gum tissue around the teeth to make the teeth look longer, but this surgery can also be very painful for you regarding recovery.
A Pioneering Method That Works
Of all of the gummy smile surgery in Los Angeles that you can explore, the procedures used by us at the practice of Dr. Alex Farnoosh can be the most effective and easiest for you to undergo. Dr. Farnoosh has helped to pioneer techniques that make use of a lip lowering procedure, where your upper lip gets repositioned and lowered to provide you with a different look. This procedure is combined with some minor cosmetic surgery to offer you the best results that are the least invasive and easiest to recover from.
Set Up a Consultation to Learn More
If you would like to explore the gummy smile surgery in Los Angeles options that are best for you, please take the time to make an appointment with us by calling our office at 310-928-1796. You can arrange a consultation with Dr. Alex Farnoosh so that he can perform an examination and discuss the options that are right for you so that you can get the best smile.